How Standup Comedians Decide What To Wear For Specials

July 28, 2017 in Daily Bulletin

Caitlin Cruz wrote about the fashion choices of standup comedians:

  • A TV standup comedy special can be a comedian’s magnum opus – it can make or break their career and it’ll never disappear. A lot of thinking goes into the onstage presence.
  • It’s important to standout. TV audiences decide in the first five minutes if they want to watch an hour long comedy special. Clothes drive the first impression.
  • Dark shoes are recommended. Lighter ones reflect stage lights and can distract the audience from the comedian’s face – where most of the comedy comes from.
  • For women more casual dress is suggested. Become too fancy and the audience might be more focused on the comedian’s look rather than her words.
  • Clothes can be used to set a tone. Trevor Noah is most frequently associated with the suit he wears for The Daily Show. In his standups he dresses more casually to create a distinction between his roles.
  • Comedians are spoiled for choice. If they’re popular enough to be filming TV specials then designer brands will be throwing free stuff at them in the hopes of free publicity.

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